Management Information Systems

Spring, 2015

Course Evaluation
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Your Grade In this class will be based on the following Evaluation Areas:




75 %


15 %

On-Line Quizzes

10 %


See Note

  100 %

Quizzes: There will be four  in-class quizzes. There will be NO PROVISIONS FOR MAKE-UPS.  If you know in advance that FOR SOME EXCUSABLE REASON you will not be able to take a quiz, notify me and we might be able to make alternative arrangements.

The Best way to study for the quiz is to keep up with the material covered in class and to be able to answer all of the on-line questions.


Assignments will either receive full credit if turned-in on time or zero (0) if not turned in or turned-in late.

Additional Information can be found at the Assignments Page.

Attendance:  I assume that there will be times when you will not be able to make it to class. You will be allowed 4 absences without notification. Each additional absence (without advance notification) will result in a 1-point deduction from your average.

ularly scheduled class period.

Final Grade: The Final grade will be assigned according to the Scale provided below. Because I have a tendency to 'Curve' most of the grading components, that means I will be relatively inflexible: If you have a 89.5, you will get a 'B', and not an 'A'.

Grade  Score Description


 90 - 100

 Excellent Work


 80 - 89

 Above Average


 70 - 79



 65 - 69



 0 - 64


This page was last updated on 01/20/15.