CIS4398: Independent Study
Summer 2002
Emerging Issues in Information Technology

Research Paper?
Rough Drafts
Final Papers
Presentation Guidelines
Presentation Suggestions
Presentation Schedule
Naked Pictures

:     Dr. Godwin Udo and Dr. Peeter Kirs
                        Email: and
                        Phone: 747-7748 and 747-7741
                        Office Hours: By Appointment only

Objectives:      At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Understand the emerging issues in IT and IT management;
  • Understand research issues in IT;
  • Write Research report on current IT topics;
  • Effectively present research findings to a group of counterparts.

Research Report and Presentation: Each student will be assigned a topic for research (the students can select their own topics but prior approval by the instructor must be obtained). A 15-30-page, double-space, size 12 font report is to be submitted by August 5, 2002. Each student shall make 30-minute presentation on the major findings and conclusion of the research conducted. A professional presentation using power point is expected.

Requirement and Guidelines for Research Report: The report must be based on IT research literature. A good report must have, at minimum, 15  refereed journal references. The grade will reflect, in part, the quality of the references. The more and higher the quality of the references, the better the grade. The references must be properly cited in the body of the report and correctly listed at the end of the report. Refer to the attached report for a good example of how references should be cited and listed. While other sources such as books and Internet may be used, majority of the references but be refereed journals.

Meeting and Other Important Dates:

First Class Meeting:                              June 3/4, 2002
Second class meeting:                           June 6, 2002
Final Date for submitting topics:            June 6, 2003
Outline Due date:                                  June 14, 2002
Second class meeting:                           June 20, 2002
Referee's Comments Due:                     June 27, 2002
Third class meeting:                               July 11, 2002
Rough Draft Due:                                  July 18, 2002
Fourth class meeting:                             July 25, 2002
Final Paper Due:                                   August 1, 2002
Final Presentation:                                 August 5 – August 9, 2002

Emerging IT Research Topics

  1. Application of IT in National Security
  2. Customer Service in the Cyberspace
  3. Trends in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems
  4. Security Issues in E-Business
  5. Making and Enforcing IT Related Laws: Government Efforts
  6. Critical Success Factors for Distance Learning
  7. Trends in M-Commerce
  8. Employees as a Major Source of IT Security Threat
  9. E-Commerce Security Measures
  10. Knowledge Management: Trends and Application
  11. Ethical Issues in E-Business (and E-Commerce)
  12. Comparative Analysis of Distance Learning and Classroom Learning
  13.  Data Visualization Applications in Business
  14.  Database Security
  15. Rapid Application Development

 Grade Policy: 

Research Report:                                  75%
Research Presentation                           15%
Attendance and Participation                 10%

90% or better               A
80% or better               B
70% or better               C
60% or better               D
Below 60%                  F

Policies & Procedures

  1. The instructor reserves the right to change the class schedule as needed during the semester.

  2. NO projects and/or homework will be accepted after the due date and time

  3. Project and/or homework material left with the instructor at the end of the semester will be retained only two (2) weeks into the next semester, after which they will be destroyed.

  4. Cell phones, beepers and other electronic devices must be turned off during class.

Note:   Details of assignments and projects will be provided in class.

            This syllabus is tentative and can be changed by the instructor.

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